Stay home in Sitka for your first year after high school graduation while going to college on campus with fellow students you may already know. You will earn a valuable full year of college credit which can transfer to other colleges, save money, and develop good study habits. Enjoy the supportive environment of the Sitka Campus, where you will gain confidence and explore your interests with excellent professors who have time for you. The scholarship includes: $250 per-semester textbook scholarship 2-credit scholarship for the HUM 120 Sitka Start cohort course Up to a 4-credit tuition waiver second semester Receive individualized support from a Sitka Start Connections mentor Review Sitka Start Participant Agreement for more details
Other Criteria
Students must: Currently reside in Sitka with college freshman standing Complete the Sitka Start Participant Agreement and turn it in to an advisor Enroll and complete the HUM 120 Sense of Place: Alaska and Beyond course Stay enrolled in 9 or more credits at the Sitka Campus for both Fall and Spring semesters Maintain at least a 2.0 GPA