Technology is transforming the world, and virtual education will keep it up. To explore a career in e-learning world of medical sciences and to develop more flexible and student-centered training programs with multi professional education, Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS) has established the Virtual School Scholarship. Regarding the fast growing demand in medical fields for greater internationalization, more flexible and student-centered training programs with multi-professional elements are determined to commence a revolutionary approach to train tomorrow’s health experts by using the latest advances in e-learning and technology which is being explored in Virtual School of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. TUMS Virtual School accepts international students in the following programs: ((E-Learning in Medical Education (I) M.Sc.)) ((Virtual Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs M.Sc.)) ((Medical Education M.Sc.)) ((Medical Library M.Sc.)) ((E-Health (II) M.Sc.))