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$1000 Autumn Scholarship from Homework Lab

Please, make sure to send us the following information in your email along with your application essay: Full name Country of residence University Study Program Your email address Link to your Facebook account (for us to see if the scholarship post was shared) No information will be shared with third parties. Your data will be used to process your scholarship application by Homework Lab only. Your essay has to be written in English with 600-900 words. Please, make sure to stick to the word count. Too short or too long essays will not be considered. 2. The essay should be written on the given topic ONLY. No alterations to the topic should be made. 3. Your essay should be unique, no plagiarism is allowed. 4. Please, make sure to send us your essay in the docx file. Essays submitted in other file formats will not be considered. 5. Please, make sure to name your file in the following way: Name_LastName.docx 6. You are welcome to show your creativity and include any pictures relevant to your ideas. Please, make sure to include their initial source. 7. Mind grammar and spelling. Please, proofread your essay before submission. Homework Lab team of professional tutors will be evaluating your essay entries. They are MA, MSc, MBA, PhD students, graduates and professors, who have been working with us 1+ years. We are looking for : Creative and authentic essays Polished grammar and structured content Clear and coherent expression of thoughts Adherence to requirements mentioned above Do not hide your talent! Apply to Homework Lab scholarship and get financial support for your studies.

Other Criteria

Who Can Apply: High School, college or university students from all over the world are welcome to apply. There are no gender, race or age limitations. Application is free for everyone.

You must be studying in one of the following countries:

You must be from one of the following countries:

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