BIC Scholarship

The award program is open to maritime academy cadets (deck or engine), naval architecture students, and students of supply-chain / logistics programs who are focused on container transportation. The award is available to 2nd, 3rd and 4th year undergraduate students as well as graduate students. Selection: The BIC Scholarship selection committee will make its decisions based on academic excellence as well as on the strength of the essay. The committee will be looking for demonstrated knowledge of one or more of the above-mentioned topics (safety, security, standardization, and sustainability in intermodal container transportation). New and promising ideas related to one or more of these topics will receive special attention. Announcements and awards: Announcements will be made by October 15th and the awards will be disbursed via the University of each winning candidate. Depending on location, award winners may be invited to an award ceremony.

Other Criteria

Undergraduate scholarships: 3,000 Euros each (3 awards available) Graduate scholarships: 3,000 Euros each (2 awards available)

You must be studying in one of the following countries:

You must be from one of the following countries:

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