Take the chance and apply for our scholarships of $1,000 in total per year. We offer one scholarship per semester of $500 each for you who write a master’s thesis or studying abroad. The application deadline is April 30 and October 31 every year. All students are welcome to apply! Optimizee Group Sweden AB is the company behind CryptoRunner, a leading cryptocurrency comparison site. From the autumn of 2020, we will distribute our CryptoRunner Scholarship of $500 per semester. Education is important to give all people economic opportunities. With us, you will find a lot of educational material about cryptocurrencies, investments, and generally about personal finance. We want to increase knowledge in our industry and in several areas. To help students financially, we offer our scholarship. All students, regardless of the university and college, are welcome to apply. Who can apply? * You are a student at a university or college. * You have or will write a master’s thesis or study abroad. * Your essay or studies abroad touch on economics or include an economic perspective. Note: You can apply for our scholarship in the U.S., Canada, U.K., Australia, or another country where we are established. View all countries in the menu on our website. Your essay or studies abroad must be completed during the same year as the application. How do I apply? Send your application to our email address below or use the form on our website, enter the subject “CryptoRunner Scholarship”. The last application day for the spring semester is 30 April every year. The last application day for the autumn semester is 31 October each year. Include the following in your application: * First and last name * School and education * Short presentation of you * Master thesis, description, and summary * Alternatively, studies abroad, description of studies How is the winner chosen? The winner will be chosen by a jury consisting of employees with us. This takes place no later than 4 weeks after the last application date. The jury’s decision cannot be appealed. Before payment is made, the person must send proof of enrollment from their university or college. With approval, the winner will be published on our website. Please visit our scholarship page for more information and updates. We wish you good luck! / CryptoRunner Team