Apply for Peace Revolution Summit 2017 that will bring about a disruptive idea that peacebuilding starts from within and discuss the ways of achieving and sustaining inner peace in order to “Empower minds for a sustainable future”. PRS 2017 is a unique global gathering organized by World Peace Initiative Foundation that will gather like minded individuals to empower, network and inspire. Become a member of our vibrant international community! Complete your #PeaceInAction challenge before September 22 – get free participation in the PRS 2017 and 50% airfare covered!
Other Criteria
If you are 20 to 32 years old and fulfil all the above criteria, you will receive 50% airfare sponsorship and fully funded accommodation, catering, local transport and waived participation fees. If you are above 32 years old and fulfill all the above criteria, you will receive fully funded accommodation, catering and waived participation fees but you will have to cover your own international airfare and local transport to the Summit venue in Thailand. If you do NOT fulfil any of the criteria suggested here, please wait for the paid public Registration to open in September.