PhD Fellowship at University of Kaiserslautern, Germany

PhD Position at University of Kaiserslautern, Germany (Statistical Fault Localisation). Project description: The project aims to identify potential faults based on testing (automatic test case generation) and statistical evaluation of the test results. The developed techniques should be applicable at the code and at the design level in a model driven development approach. Basically, the benefits can be summarized as follows: (1) You will work on real-world research problems. (2) You will be trained in all skills that are required to successfully finish you research project. (3) You will create research outputs at the highest standards. (4) You will get optimal and continuous supervision. Our goal is to give you strong support on your research from a technical side. We require: We are interested in a PhD student who has a good academic record with background in one or more of the following areas: (1) quality attributes such as performance, reliability, availability, safety, and security (2) testing theory (3) software engineering (4) formal methods in system design (5) statistics (6) machine learning. Since the projects involves working with other PhD students and industrial partner, communication skills and the ability to work in a team environment are especially required.

Other Criteria

The selection process will be competitive. If you are interested in a research project, please provide the following information (for the first selection round) via email to the email address listed by 10/06 (however the position will be open, until a suitable candidate has been found): (1) detailed curriculum vitae (2) an (electronic) copy your postgraduate transcripts (we require a master degree with marks above 80-85% or a GPA 3.70/4, please include your undergraduate degree as well) (3) evidence of English/German proficiency for non-native English/German speaker (the official language of the group is English).

You must be studying in one of the following countries:

You must be from one of the following countries:

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