Solvay Advanced Masters Challenge

Compete for a 1000€ discount to become a Solvay Advanced Master Student! (=> Solvay Brussels School’s Advanced Masters have been developed to create a breed of ‘out-thinkers’ in focused areas for Master students with no or limited professional experience. You will have the opportunity to study in the beautiful city of Brussels and explore the rest of Europe. Indeed, you will be only a few hours away from Paris, London or Amsterdam. Solvay Brussels School is now accepting applications for September 2018 admissions. Take the Sqore Challenge (=>, submit your application and be one of the 10 best candidates who will get a 1000€ discount to join the Master programme. How it works: 1. Sign up and complete the Sqore Challenge here (=> 2. Fill out your Sqore profile. 3. Apply online to Solvay Brussels School here (=> IMPORTANT: Once you have completed the challenge to win 1000 €, you must complete the online application to Solvay Brussels School in order to be admitted to a programme (=>

Other Criteria

Choose from five advanced Master’s programmes where you will be challenged to grow both professionally and personally: – Advanced Master in Creativity & Marketing. – Advanced Master in Innovation & Strategic Management. – Advanced Master in Innovation & Entrepreneurship. – Advanced Master Financial Markets. – Advanced Master in Quantitative Finance. The Advanced Masters are designed as full-time programmes for one academic year, and represent 60 ECTS each. Eligibility: – Bachelor or Master degree in a relevant field, such as business, economics, finance, etc. – No or limited (normally up to 3 years maximum) professional experience. Restrictions: – Applicants are responsible for acquiring their own visa, if required. – All information submitted must be truthful and any work produced must be the original work of the applicant. More information is available here (=>

You must be studying in one of the following countries:

You must be from one of the following countries:

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